Eco - Warriors

Welcome to Our Lady of Compassion’s Eco Warrior Webpage. This page will tell you about our brand new Eco Warriors and some of the work we are doing. In Autumn 2022, we appointed our Eco Warriors in each year group, who are now working hard to encourage the rest of the school to become eco-friendly.
Why do we have Eco Warriors?
Being an Eco Warrior is an ideal opportunity for our pupils to get more involved in the way our school is run and help us to be more environmentally friendly. It provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made. Eco Warriors take on the responsibility of expressing their own views, but also the views of their peers as well as passing on information from eco meetings.
What do our Eco Warriors do?
Our Eco Warriors help to care for our school environment: they help others to follow our eco-code, monitor our energy use in class and encourage teachers and children to recycle. Our current Eco Warriors will take part in discussions and feedback any relevant information to their class. At times they are requested to ask their class for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Eco Committee. Members will meet regularly to discuss their ideas.
If you have any suggestions, ideas or would like to help us GET GREENER in any way, then why not pop into school and let us know.

Our Awards and Achievements so far:
· ‘Working towards the 'Live Simply’ award to become a school that lives simply, sustainably and in solidarity.
· Bronze Green Tree School Award
· Operation Ocelot – The Great School Give
· National Trust Worth Earth Day Project 2023
· Eco trip to the Recycling Discovery Centre
· Working towards becoming a Green Flag school
· Eco-tips on newsletters