Governors Roles
Chair of Governors
Mrs Tina Hamilton
Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Gillian Raikes
Mrs Teresa Mooney
Mrs N Dickinson
Mrs Joanne Tomlinson
Mr J Beesley
Mrs S Gilbertson
Mr Jones
Mr A Houghton
Mr Crilly
Mr Boyle
Tina Hamilton
Chair of Governors
Membership: Admissions, Buildings, Curriculum, Data & Assess, Finance, Safeguarding, Staffing, Head Teacher Performance Management.
I am a Link Governor for: Year 3 & RE.
“My affiliation with Our Lady's began when my elder daughter joined the school in 2003. I was delighted when I was invited to become a Foundation Governor in 2005. I have had the pleasure of working with two Head Teachers all with their own fantastic visions and aspirations for our children. We have an amazing staff at Our Lady's who work incredibly hard with the Parents and Children, to ensure that every child achieves their full potential. I am a member of Our Lady of Compassion Parish and enjoy our school making an active link between Parish and School life. My Daughter and son had a fantastic grounding at Our Lady's and are both proud to be able to say that are past pupils of our brilliant school .”
Sarah Gilbertson
Foundation Governor
Membership: Staffing, Curriculum.
I am a Link Governor for: Year 6 & Science.
I joined the governing body as a Foundation Governor in September 2018. As a parent of two children who both currently attend the school, and as a past pupil myself , I was both delighted and honoured to be appointed. I graduated from university in 2002 with a BSc (hons) in Science with Qualified Teacher Status and have been a Primary school teacher ever since. My professional career has provided me with experience in both Key Stage 1 and 2 and I currently teach in year 6. I hope that this experience will enable me to make an insightful contribution to the present Governing body. I am a member of the parish community and my family have had strong links with the school and parish for many years. I look forward to helping maintain the current links between the school and the parish, as well as supporting the school and the staff in the excellent work that they do. As a Governor, I believe our role is to look at how we can help the pupils and support the staff in making sure the school is the best that it can be, maintaining its high standards of education.
Terresa Mooney
LA Governor
Membership: Admissions
I am a Link Governor for: Y3 / Art & DT
Joanne Tomlinson
Staff Governor
Safeguarding DSL
Pupil Premium
I am a Link Governor for: EYFS / PSHE
I have been a member of staff at Our Lady’s for approximately 20 years. During this time I have held a diverse role within the school working with both key stages and currently a Learning Mentor, which includes being part of the Safeguarding Team.
I have been privileged to be a member of the Governing body for some years now, initially as a Foundation Governor, however more recently as a Staff Governor.
Our Lady’s is a community, where the staff, Governors and Parents work together to provide a safe and welcoming environment in which our children are respected and valued, therefore being able to flourish and fulfil their potential. I feel very lucky to be a part of this.
Gillian Raikes
Vice Chair of Governors
Membership: Admissions, Finance, Safeguarding, Staffing, Head Teacher Performance Management.
I am a Link Governor for: Y6 / English
My affiliation with Our Lady of Compassion school began when my eldest daughters started at nursery here in 2003. I was a member of the PTA for a number of years and was delighted to be invited to become a Foundation Governor in 2009.
I have had the pleasure of working with two Headteachers both of whom have had their own visions and aspirations for our children. They, along with all the fantastic staff, work incredibly hard to ensure each child achieves their full potential.
I am a member of Our Lady of Compassion Parish and love the sense of community when the school and parish come together in numerous events throughout the year.
John Beesley
Foundation Governor
Membership: GDPR/ Premises
I am a Link Governor for: Y4 / Music & computing
I have had strong links with the parish community and school for many years. I was a pupil at Our Lady’s from 1976 to 1982 and have been organist at the parish church since 1991.
My daughter now attends the school, so I was delighted to join the governing body as a Foundation Governor in 2018. In my role I look forward to doing whatever I can to support the in school in continuing to provide the excellent standard of education and care for our children that they already do.
Lyndsay Talbot
Foundation Governor
Membership: Finance / Performance
I am a Link Governor for: Y5 / Maths
Nicola Dickinson
Foundation Governor
Membership: Performance / Staffing / Curriculum
I am a Link Governor for: EYFS / RE
I joined Our Lady’s in 2001 as a class teacher, spending most of my time in Early Years. Later, teaching Key stage 2 and taking on role of RE co-ordinator.
My membership on the Governing body was originally as a Staff Governor, however more recently a Foundation Governor with links to Early years and RE.
Approximately five years ago, I became Deputy Headteacher at St. John Fisher Catholic Primary School in Halton, however I continue to maintain strong links with the school community and I am a member of the parish of Our Lady’s.
I feel proud to contribute to the achievements of the school, supporting the pupils led by such a dedicated team of staff and Headteacher.
Stuart Jones
Associate Governor
I am a Link Governor for:
Michael Crilly
Foundation Governor
I am a Link Governor for:
‘I have been a parent at Our Lady’s since 2015 and still have two children in the school. As a Foundation Governor, my main role is to be a link to our parish community and to support our children, families and staff in connecting to the wider parish family. A particular highlight of that role is to be part of a team that supports our Y4 children to prepare to celebrate their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. It is always a privilege to play a part in that journey of faith and to see our children develop spiritually as well as academically. In my day job, I work as a director of a local NHS Trust with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. I am also parent of two children with special educational needs. I’m passionate about the need to support both of these areas in our school so as to ensure we continue to be a happy, healthy and inclusive community, where all are cherished’